Meet the Blogging Babes

Introducing the Babes who make the blog happen! As someone who loves talking, I must admit it’s not always easy to actually take action and do it. Babe Era wouldn’t be anything without our writers!

Want to write?

Meet the Writers

Meet Stephanie

Sun: Pisces

Moon: Libra

I am an expert at… Talking… I was the kid with the “talks too much” on my report card. I also love helping people find their style and clothing that just fits.

Favorite Color: Sage Green, Emerald Green… Very specific Greens.

Favorite Music Genre: Metal and Taylor Swift

Your Theme Song: The Archer- Taylor Swift

Fun Fact: I am obsessed with books, especially anything in the Fantasy genre. My favorite series is the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas.

Favorite French Fry: Boardwalk Fries with Vinegar

Meet Haley

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Aries

I am an expert at… Holistic Healing, Women Empowerment and Meditation Work.

Favorite Color: Teal Blue

Favorite Music Genre: Everything! Metal, Folk, Pop, Classic Rock and Classical.

Your Theme Song: Deeper Well- Kasey Musgraves

Fun Fact: I am an empath and have psychic abilities (not fully tapped into).

Favorite French Fry: Chickie & Pete’s Crab Fries with Cheeseeeeeeee.

Meet Ashley

Sun: Libra

Moon: Cancer

I’m an expert in/at: Jack of all trades master of none, but I love organizing, reading people, puzzles, photography.

Favorite Color: PINK

Favorite Music Genre: Ultimate mix tracks of all genres


Fun Fact: I’m an extroverted introvert in a 5-kid blended family home.

Favorite French Fry: Alll of them!