Behind Babe Era

Babe Era blossomed as a sanctuary where the whispers of women held profound power.

Yet, the stars whispered of a grander destiny – a stage where women’s words could ignite, illuminate, and resonate with the cosmos. We no longer just a community- now we are a trifecta! Enjoy our community, blog and podcast where we deep dive into issues women care about, tell stories of bravery and hear from women who are experts in their fields!

Babe Era’s Founder, Stephanie, always wanted to do something more than just sell items and clothing. She wanted to create a space where women could find connection with like-minded women. A place where stories could be shared, lessons could be learned and there was comradery, especially because the world can be brutal.

Babe Era Vision:

My vision for Babe Era is that it becomes a place where women can be their truth authentic selves!

I foresee the podcast and blog being a place where women can share their stories and expertise- we can show how amazing we are.

The dream is for the community to become a place of acceptance. Where people can speak on the topics they want without fear of judgement. Where stories are shared, and laughs are had.

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